Is it Legal to Wrap Your Car in India? Benefits of Wrap Over Paint

If you are a car enthusiast, then you may want to modify your car according to your style and preference. Especially if you own a luxury car from brands like BMW, Jaguar, Audi, Porsche, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and so on. There are plenty of modifications available, but car wraps are becoming a popular choice these days. So, if you want to give your car a fresh look and make it look different from others, then wrapping your car could be a great option. They are easy to apply and don’t need any mechanical adjustments. And, the best thing is it can be easily replaced or removed anytime if the owner no longer likes it.

But it’s crucial to be aware of the laws associated with wrapping your car. So, here are a few things that you need to keep in mind while wrapping your car.

Are Car Wraps Legal in India?

The simple answer is Yes, car wraps are legal in India, as they don’t hamper the structural identity of the car. Most external car modifications such as wraps, body kits, and so on are permitted by law. However, there are some conditions to be met. The wrap should be of the same colour as mentioned on your car’s RC. If you want to wrap your car with some different colour then you’ll need to update that on the RC, failing to do so will attract a fine or penalty.

Wrap Vs Paint; Which One is Better for Your Luxury Car?

Car wraps offer multiple advantages over paint when it comes to giving a fresh and different look to your car. Moreover, with unlimited customization, you can customize a car wrap the way you want. And, these unique designs will help your car stand out. Here are a few advantages of a car wrap over paint:

  • Car wraps help protect the original paint of your car. These wraps are completely removable as well, so you can peel it off whenever you want and change the colour without affecting the original paint of your car.
  • They wear very well. If you take proper care of the wrap then it keeps your car in great shape and will help you get a good resale value.
  • Car wraps cost less than paint. Whereas, paint for luxury cars might cost you a lot of money.
  • You get an option to choose any finish such as matte, shiny, metallic, and so on.
  • You can apply a wrap to even a small segment or a part of your car if you don’t want to change the entire design of the vehicle.

Concluding Thoughts

A car wrap is legal in India you need to make sure that you fulfil the legal requirements for getting a wrap on your car. In the end, a car wrap could be a great option to customize your ride the way you want, while also protecting the original paint of the vehicle.

So, if you decide to get your luxury car wrapped, then wait no longer and visit Marque One. We offer a variety of premium-quality vinyl wraps to choose from that will make your luxury car look unique and stand out. Marque One is a reputed service station that’s known for offering reliable and affordable service. We also specialize in applying PPF, Ceramic Coating and Vinyl Wraps to luxury cars. And, all the work is performed by our team of experienced and qualified professionals.

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